© 2025 Buckland Newton Community Website Committee Last updated 13th February 2025 09:30 Website design and update by Jeremy Collins

Buckland Newton Coronavirus Information

Buckland Newton Community Website
in the heart of rural Dorset

Community Connections Volunteer Group

Community Connections Your neighbourly contact number is 01 300 345 850 Community Connections is your local, up and running, friendly, informal, self help group, for the village - by the village. Chris and Janey Hildred

From Buckland Newton Parish Council

If you have to self-isolate and need assistance, please telephone any member of the Parish Council, who will put you in touch with the relevant voluntary groups in the village. Buckland Newton Parish Councillors are: Chair: Mark Needham 01300 345293 Vice Chair: Mick Ames 01300 345497 Councillors: Andy Foot 01300 345511 Chris Osmond 01300 345326 Lin Townsend 01300 345306 John Baker 01300 345386 Christina Manny 07876 567999 Sheila Crouch sheilacrouchbnpc@gmail.com The Old Chapel Stores in Buckland Newton will take telephone orders for collection and/or arrange delivery. Telephone 01300 345 336. We are here to help you.

Coronavirus Posters

3 Posters are available to download. These may be useful if you are: Self-isolating Have a weakened immune system, or If someone else is doing your shopping You can download these posters to print out and put in your window or door, or to remind yourself about the precautions to take if someone else is doing your shopping. To download the posters, click on the relevant poster below. If you are unable to download or print the posters and would like someone to do this for you, please contact the Community Connections group on 01300 345 850.
Because of this we will not be answering the door to visitors. For any deliveries, please ring the doorbell/knock the door and leave outside.  #Dorsetcommunityresponse People in this household are  self-isolating People with weak immune systems  are more likely to catch coronavirus  (COVID-19), and are more likely to suffer  life-threatening complications if they become ill with it.  Because of this we will not be answering the door to visitors. For any deliveries, please ring the doorbell/knock the door and leave outside.  #Dorsetcommunityresponse Someone in this household has a weak  immune system