© 2024 Buckland Newton Community Website Committee Last updated 4th September 2024 08:40 Website design and update by Jeremy Collins
The village now has its own
defibrillator, housed in an unlocked
cupboard on an outside wall of the
Village Hall by the kitchen door, under
the veranda
Buckland Newton Community Website
in the heart of rural Dorset
Buckland Newton Defibrillator
Every year we publish information about the
Defibrillator we have here in Buckland Newton
which is of particular benefit to those who have
recently moved into the village.
Where is it?
The Defib is housed in an blue, UNLOCKED
cupboard on the outside wall of BN Village Hall by
the back door, off the kitchen. It is available for use
in an emergency, after dialing 999 and as advised
by the paramedics.
Who can use it?
ANYONE can use it as the machine speaks
instructions and it will not shock a person if that is
not needed.
Every month the list of Runners, a group of people
who will collect the Defib from the VH and bring it to
any house in the village, is published in the Lydden
Vale News. It might be a good idea to cut this out
and put it near your phone or some other prominent
place or to make an arrangement with a neighbour
to collect the Defib for you.
CRP training is important and there is an
opportunity to attend a refresher morning that is
held annually by SWAST in the Village Hall. The
date is usually in February/March and always
appears in the LVN and on the BN Facebook
community page.
If you’d like to know more, or have any questions
about the Defib, please contact either of us.
Sandie Stout 345135
Jane Willis 345477
Many thanks to all the Runners for their continued
Maintenance of Defib
The Defib is checked almost every day by a
member of the committee, to make sure it is in full
working order.
Training in its use
We hold a Defib and CPR Training morning in
Buckland Newton Village Hall every year taken by
the South West Ambulance Service (SWAST) which
anyone can attend.
Careline Users
If you are a Careline User please ensure your
provider is aware of the existence of the Defib in the
New Runners and Committee Members
If you are interested in becoming a Runner, joining
the Defib committee or would like any more
information, please contact one of us.
Sandie Stout - 345135
Jane Willis – 345477
Defib Notes
In an emergency always ring 999 - ambulance -
straight away; they will advise you.
How you get the defibrillator in an emergency is
worth a bit of prior thought. Maybe you have a
friend or neighbour who is willing to help, either to
fetch the defib or to contact a Defib Runner for you.
The Defib Runners are not to be called out at
any other time except when the ambulance
service has asked for the defibrillator to be
brought - for all other medical problems please
ring 999 or see your GP.
The defib cupboard with the defib inside is
located at the Village Hall and is well signposted
but it may be a good idea to check out for yourself
exactly where it is next time you pass the Village
Information cards, to be kept by the phone, have
been delivered to every house - if you have not
received yours, please contact Fizz Lewis on
345521. They show the list of Defib Runners who
have agreed to be telephoned at any time to fetch
the defibrillator. It is of course up to you whether
you want to use them or a neighbour or friend.
NB: for anyone who hasn’t been to an awareness
session on the defib - this apparatus will not work
on anyone whose heart is still beating. Use of CPR
and the defib, under Ambulance Service instruction,
gives a person the best possible outcome after an
The machine is being checked once a week by two
Committee members, to ensure it is perfect working
order. South West Ambulance Service Trust are
responsible for the maintenance and sorting any
problems. The original defib has been replaced by
a new one in December 2020.
The Defib Committee
Jan Burnett, Diana Wells, Sandie Stout, Jane Willis
and Fizz Lewis
We are very grateful to all our volunteer Defib
Runners. We would like to know if there is anyone
else, especially if they live near the village hall, who
would like to volunteer to go on the list too. The
Defibrillator is checked almost every day by our
unsung hero, Sandie Stout, to make sure it is in full
working order. Some of the supplies with it are
replaced annually by SWAST who are in contact
with Sandie. Sandie is also a Committee member
and Runner and we are very grateful to her for this