© 2025 Buckland Newton Community Website Committee Last updated 13th February 2025 09:30 Website design and update by Jeremy Collins

Friendly Skittles at

the Gaggle of Geese

Buckland Newton Community Website
in the heart of rural Dorset

We are hoping to restart the Village Skittles League

Teams of six. A friendly, mildly competitive league! Get in touch if you might be interested (either as an individual or a team) and would like to be kept updated. 01300 345249. Simon will have a pool of interested skittlers who don’t belong to any particular team but who would be willing to step in (given sufficient notice) to make up a team if anyone is short of a player on the night. As it is a ‘friendly’ league, and to get things up and running, it was decided that ‘reserves’ can play for more than one team If any team needs to re-arrange a game (hopefully this won’t happen), please confer with the captain of the opposing team and with Simon at the pub to find a suitable alternative date. All teams should have details of Captains’ contact e-mails and phone numbers. Other rules (to be confirmed): £2 per player for the sticker-up – which Simon will help to arrange. No subs or trophies required. No team food required. Score cards to be signed and handed in behind the bar. Demand for a knockout game to be decided at a later date. For more information call 01300 345249 or info@gaggleofgeese.co.uk