© 2025 Buckland Newton Community Website Committee Last updated 13th February 2025 09:30 Website design and update by Jeremy Collins

Sports Activities

A variety of sports activities take place

around the village, and opportunities

are expected to increase now the Parish

Room refurbishment project is

completed, providing more of a

‘pavilion’ style facility.

Buckland Newton Community Website
in the heart of rural Dorset

Cricket Club

Not currently active.

Join the ‘Gaggle Waggle’ - Buckland Newton’s own


A free 5k (ish) run or walk around the village. Bring the family - Chase a PB (personal best) Get fit - Catch up with friends - Meet new people - Enjoy the scenery Boost your mental health Every Saturday at 10am. Meet at The Gaggle of Geese car park The pub opens from 9:30 A variety of refreshments are available before or after!

Piddlehinton Gym

Piddlehinton Gym is located on the Enterprise Park in Piddlehinton. The Gym was constructed for the American Army in the 1930s and contains a large indoor space with 2 full size Badminton courts. Besides a large car park one of the key distinguishing features is a sprung wooden floor making it excellent for sports. A 99-year lease was secured in 2007 by the charity that runs the Gym and it is currently used for Badminton, Junior Tennis, Archery and Motorcycle training (Saturday in car park) as well as Drama storage. In the past, a bowling club (long mat bowls) as well as a Zumba/exercise club have also used the facilities. The Badminton clubs in particular have space for new members. Contacts and times of the clubs are: Gill Hadley 01300 348081 (Monday from 10.00 am), Alan Wiseman 01258 817512 (Monday from 7.30 pm), Pauline Adams 01300 345459 (Badminton Tuesday from 8.00 pm). The radio-control car club also welcomes new members; contact is Al Mailer 07787 380541. The charity that runs the club aims to provide the facilities at a reasonable cost, whilst increasing the diversity of sports; Hiring costs for the hall and facilities are currently £17 for 2 hours regular bookings. Our goal is to improve utilisation, increasing investment to refurbish and improve the facilities, hence benefiting all users. For more information phone Paul Hayes, Chairman on 07930337459. Get inspired, get involved…

Tennis Court - Glanvilles Wootton

Glanvilles Wootton Tennis Court is open to all who live in the Lydden Vale every day of the week at any time except when there is occasional Saturday morning tennis coaching. Bookings can be made at the court. Playing fees are as follows: Children up to 14 years old £1 for the court per hour; Young people 15 to 19 £1 per person per hour; Adults £1.50 per person per hour; or Annual Membership £45 per year per household, accompanied guests free. Children’s Tennis sessions take place on some Saturdays from May in the summer for 5 to 18 year olds. If you are interested in joining or having your child attend the summer sessions please contact the club via gwltc.dorset@outlook.com. Also check out the web page: https://glanvilleswootton.org/tennis-club/ Any other queries please contact Sarah Wade on 01963 210607.

Seated Exercise Class to Music

Tuesdays, 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm, Buckland Newton Village Hall. Improve your mobility, strength, posture and balance. Exercising in a fun and friendly atmosphere. £5.00 per session. Come along and have a go, no need to book. Contact Sarah on 01258 812788.

Keep Fit Association 'Youth Moves'

Pulham Village Hall 5.00 pm - 6.00 pm; ages 11 and over. Contact Sarah Mitchell on 01258 81728


Buckland Newton Village Hall. Mondays (term time only), 2.00 pm - over 60’s; 5.45 pm - mixed ability; 7.30 pm - mixed ability. Contact: Suzanne Stringer (British Wheel of Yoga trained instructor, with over 20 years’ experience) 01935 873594.


Two friendly Pilates classes run in the Village Hall on Thursdays, term time only. Power Pilates at 9.30 am and Posture Pilates at 10.40 am. Outdoor CoreFIt - Start your day with the right way with our fun low impact circuits using small equipment. Meet by the playground. 8.40 am. Sammie Mcfarland www.sammiemcfarland.co.uk FB sammiemcfarlandpilatesandhealth Insta sammiemcfarlandpilates_health


For details and maps of footpaths in the parish, please see the Parish Council website at: https://www.bucklandnewtonparishcouncil.org.uk/footpaths