Local Directory
Local Businesses
Aerials & Satellites
L T Morris & Sons, Dorchester 01305 262170
Agricultural Supplies
Woodrow Feeds, Hazelbury Bryan 01258 817134
Alterations & Sewing (see Sewing)
Alternative Therapies
Acupressure (EF Technique) 01300 341102
Animal Care
The Dorset Cattery 01300 341102
Dogs Actfully (Young Dog Mixed Sports Foundation) Holwell 07958 010401
Dog Kennels - Pets Haven, Leigh 01963 210372
Dog Rescue - Doreen Cheeseman 01300 345463
Dog Grooming - Kingston Maurwood Grooming Centre 01305 215071
Angel Rabbit Rescue & Re-housing (Amanda Mullins) 07899 951272
George Horn (Old Boar Antiques) 01300 345791 / 07793 815763
Bed & Breakfast
Whiteways, Bookham 01300 345511
Buckland Newton Hire
Septic Tanks, Groundworks, Self Drive Plant Hire etc. Court Farm 01300 345531
Building Contractors
Mintern Building & Landscaping Ltd 07977 070703 or 01963 371453
Matt Gardiner (Patios) 07879 048591 or 01305 262879
Wessex Carpentry and Builders Ltd. 01300 320 892 / 07733 226547
Camp Sites
Gaggle of Geese - Shepherd Huts & Camping 01300 345249
Giants head Caravan Site 01300 641242
Car Dealers
Car Hire (see Taxis)
Car Servicing/Parts/Auto Engineers/MOTs
Kings Stag Garage 01258 817350
West Dorset Motor Company, Court Farm 01300 345531
David Vincent’s Land Rover Spares & Parts 01305 262060 or 07766 165721
Care Providers
Agincare - Head Office 01305 769418 www.agincare.com
Apex Care - Head Office 0845 603 4743
Bluebird Care - Dorchester Office 01305 236 655 www.apexprimecare.org
Helping Hands in Rural Dorset (Heather) 07935 240133
Brockhampton Kitchen Carpentry (Shaun Sims) Tel. t.b.a.
Newton Joinery 01300 345833
J & A Ridell, Alton Pancras 01300 348161
Daniel Slate – Middlemarsh 07936 157008
Wessex Carpentry and Builders Ltd. 01300 320 892 / 07733 226547
Dorchester Carpets 01305 251385
Carpet Cleaning
Bay Tree Cleaning Company, Cosmore 01300 345596 www.baytreecleaning.com
The Foodie Queen - Heather Slack 01300 345582. High quality catering & cookery school.
Wedding and Celebration Cakes 07818 201074 - Lisa Notley, Pulham
Helen Furness, Cerne Abbas 01300 341212
Children’s Entertainment
Crafty Arty World (Prop Hire & Events Organiser) – Kitty Ebdon 01300 345397
Chimney Sweep
Chris Perrins Chimney Sweep 07824 698109 / 01258 837449 www.csweep.co.uk
Rob Wood 01300 345660
J Stockley (Electrical Sweep) 07788 436969 or 1305 771166
Barsky & Hawkins, Dorchester 01305 265850
West Dorset Mobile Foot Clinic 07903 722542 (Roy Fox) 07712 525058 (Christine Fox)
Cleaners (Domestic)
Bay Tree Cleaning Company, Cosmore 01300 345596 www.baytreecleaning.com
Solid Fuel Merchants
Computer Support
Computer Aide – Lysander Parsons 01300 345656 www.computeraide.co.uk
Tony Howes MCP 07748 8667663/01305 260086
Jurassic Computers - Poundbury 01305 755668
SturComputers, Fifehead Neville 01258 817 37 sturcom@mail.com
Concrete Flooring
R M Mogridge 01963 363208
Domestic Appliance Repairs (Washing Machines, Freezers etc)
Ian Coombs, Piddletrenthide 01300 348684
Domestic Appliance, Dorchester 01305 264951
Doors and Windows/Double Glazing
Newglaze, Sturminster Newton 01258 473377 www.newglaze.co.uk
Thermaglaze (inc Firmseal) 01935 432282 www.thermaglaze.com
Valecraft (inc Dave Graham Windows) 0808 100 1387 www.valecraft.co.uk
Electrical Engineers/Electricians
Stephen P White, Duntish 01300 345431
P N Gray Electrical Contractors 01258 837354
Electricity Supply (see Utilities)
Estate Agents
Humberts, Sherborne 01935 812323 www.humberts.com
Jackson-Stops & Staff, Dorchester 01305 262123 www.jackson-stops.co.uk
Tony Perrett, Middlemarsh 07971 296992 or 01963 210430 www.perrettfencing.co.uk
Dorset Groundscaping Ltd 01300 345526 or 07880 35334
Financial Services
Revels Coarse Fishing, Cosmore 01300 345301
Hermitage Fishing Lakes 01963 210556
Fitness Instructors / Personal Trainers / Pilates
Food Services
Primrose Kitchen (Breakfast Cereal Mfrs), Eden Park, Brockhampton 01300 345226
Free-range Eggs
Mark Needham (adjacent Henley Hillbillies) - honesty box on site for payment
Funeral Directors
Peter Jackson, Henstridge 01963 362570
Gaggle of Geese
Game Shoots
Gardening Services
Dorset Groundscaping Ltd 01300 345526 or 07880 35334
Garden Machinery Repairs
Gas Suppliers
Old Chapel Stores (bottled Calor) 01300 345336
Mole Country Stores, Dorchester (bottled Flogas) 01305 262141 www.molecountrystores.co.uk
Giants Head Caravan Site (bottled Calor) 01300 341242 www.giantshead.co.uk
Kings Stag Garage (bottled Calor) 01258 817350
Grazing Land
Sheep & goat grazing - Marcus White 07779 448 673
Buckland Newton Hire 01300 345531 www.bnh.co.uk
LSP Hair Design 01300 345578 / 07780 767573 www.lsphairdesign.com
Gary Holley - General Building/Garden/Handyman/Paving 07545 257186 gary.holley@aol.com
Hedge Layer
Rob Wood (local) 07527 347179
Holiday Cottages
Church Farm Stables, Buckland Newton 01300 345315
Duntish Mill Farm (AirBNB) Sam Sowerby 01300 345721
Duntish Old Farmhouse (AirBNB) George Horn 01300 345791
White Horse Farm, Middlemarsh 01963 210621
Honey (local)
Kevin Pope, Buckland Newton 07885 293378
House Sitting/Animal Minding (also see Animal Care)
Pamela Evans (Housesitting Service) 01300 345753 Mobile - 07912 622787
House Clearance
George Horn (Duntish) 07793 815763 or 01300 345791
BN Community Property Trust Ltd (Lydden Meadow); Chairman – Andrew Stone 01300
Magna Housing Group 01305 216000 www.magna.org.uk
Hastoe Housing Association 01305 250103 www.hastoe.com
Industrial Units
Units to let at Court Farm - Martin Perrett 01300 345378
Units to let at Millers Farm - Andy Foot 01300 345511
Units to let at Eden Park - Marcus White 07779 448 673
Caice Insulation, Eden Park, Brockhampton 01300 345164
Insurance Services
David Upshall Insurance Servies 01305 268883 / 07818 035450
Job Centre
Liquid Waste Disposal
Buckland Newton Hire, Court Farm 01300 345531 www.bnh.co.uk
Pete White 01963 370924
The Dorset Locksmith - Douglas Dearing 01300 345448 www.dorsetlock.co.uk
David Pomeroy 01258 817734
Simon 07977 668848
The Log Man Family 01935 83127 / 07900 111920
Machinery Hire
Buckland Newton Hire, Court Farm 01300 345531 www.bnh.co.uk
Kings Stag Garage 01258 817350
Marquee Hire
Meat Suppliers
Organic Lamb & Spit Roasts 07971 279611; Brockhampton Farm - Robert Dunning
Milk Deliveries
Dairy Crest Ltd (Milk and More) 0845 6063606. Deliveries to BN Mon, Wed & Friday 01305
Music Tuition
In Tune with Music - Ms D Batten 01300 345880 (clarinet/violin/theory)
Oil Suppliers
Fuelcare, Sturminster Newton 01258 473400
Oil Tanks / Oil Heating
Mole Valley Farmers, Yeovil 01935 420971
Opticians (see Medical)
Organic/Natural Food Shops
Green Valley, Godmanstone 01300 342164
Outdoor Activities
Henley Hillbillies & Badger Watch (Mark Needham) 01300 345293 www.henleyhillbillies.co.uk
Painters and Decorators
Mark O’Sullivan 01963 210297
Peter Downton, Cerne Abbas 01300 342014
Alan Lawrence 07733 364568 or 01460 419816
Pest Control
Bug Busters 01929 460011 / 07973 407027
Pet Care/Pet Foods
Oscars Pet Foods 01258 818341
Kings Stag Garage 01258 817350
Plant Hire
Buckland Newton Hire, Court Farm 01300 345378 www.bnh.co.uk
King Stag Garage 01258 817350
Pete Nickisson 01300 345319
Plumbers & Heating Engineers
G Chubb 01300 348732
Complete Heat Services 01300 348285
Chester Howlett (Bathroom Specialist) 07776 347960 / 01300 345489
Heatcare (UK) Ltd, Dorchester 01305 853970 / 07557 990715 www.heatcareukltd.com
Tom Rush (Heating Services) 01305 257387
Stephen P White, Duntish 01300 345431
P R Elford Ltd 01305 264164 (formerly John Howarth Heating) www.prelford.co.uk
Caplen Plumbing & Heating 01963 210433 / 07779 801663
Aquaheat Services Ltd. 07833 580241
Matt Beaven 07775 793268
Rob Wiseman - Boilers/AGA/Rayburn Specialist 01300 320489
(Non-Emergency Number – 101)
Safer Neighbourhood Police Officers 07500 816291 (see Local Information for details)
Post Office
Outreach Service: Village Hall, Buckland Newton, Monday, Tuesday & Friday – 9 am-12 noon,
Post Collection
Mon-Fri 4.30pm & Sat 11.00am from Old Chapel Stores. Also from post box close to Gaggle of
Geese, Duntish, Cosmore, Parish Pavilion & Henley
Poultry Auctions
Magpie Auctions at Revels (Merritt) 07809 294390 Held first Sunday in month
Poultry Housing & Bird Tables
Public Houses
Green Man, Kings Stag 01258 920023
Removal Services
Man and a Van - George Horn 01300 345791 / 07793 815763 thegeorgehorn@hotmail.com
Martin Tucker 07866 189400/ 01305 848518 info@ctagg.co.uk
Sand, Gravel & Aggregate Suppliers
Clayson Scaffolding, Middlemarsh 01300 345334
Doug Dearing - Locksmith 01300 345488
Sewing/Soft Furnishing
Hilary Charlesworth, Minterne Magna 01300 341845
Anna B Designs 01300 341623
Skip Hire
Buckland Newton Hire (15-40 yd skips) 01300 345378 www.bnh.co.uk
Taxi Services
Abbotts Taxis 01300 348600
Telephone (see Utilities – British Telecom)
Alex Frost and John Butler – Master Thatcher, Cheselbourne 01258 837538
Vincent Vaughan - Master Thatcher, Weymouth. 01305 783173 / 07703 044546
Timber Supplies
Mole Valley Farmers, Yeovil 01935 420971
Training Services
Travel Agents
Tree Surgery/Maintenance
Patrick Needham 07899 924545
David Pomeroy 01258 817734
“Sprung Fox” (Re-covering, traditional & Modern) Nina Thompson 01300 345561, Whats
Veterinary Surgeons
Weatherbury Veterinary Clinic 01305 848221
Water Services
Wessex Water (see Utilities)
Affordable Drainage Ltd 01258 817599
Welding and Steel Fabrication
Cahill Welding & Fabrication, Middlemarsh 01300 345856 www.cahillstructures.co.uk
Richard Goodfellow 01300 345508
Snashall Steel Fabrication, Pulham 01300 345588 www.snashallsteel.co.uk
Window Cleaning
Dan Gina & Steve Reynolds 07969 947047 01305 835800 www.dangina.com
Bob Govan - Beaulieu Wood 07590 121772 or 01300 345722
© 2025 Buckland Newton Community Website Committee Last updated 13th February 2025 09:30 Website design and update by Jeremy Collins
Buckland Newton Community Website
in the heart of rural Dorset