© 2025 Buckland Newton Community Website Committee Last updated 13th February 2025 09:30 Website design and update by Jeremy Collins
Website Charter
Buckland Newton Community
Website Committee
e: Webmaster
The website is designed and operated by residents of Buckland Newton, but with
support from other individuals or organisations as needed to maintain, update and
operate the website. A website “charter” has been drafted by the Website
Committee to record the principles and purpose of the website.
Purpose of Website
To support the whole community of Buckland Newton without favour to any
individuals or enterprises residing within the parish.
To help promote the well being, growth and development of Buckland Newton as a
local community
To provide help and information to any visitors and tourists to Buckland Newton
To provide help and information to the residents of Buckland Newton
Scope of Website
The geographical scope of the website shall include all those enterprises and
people living within the parish boundary of Buckland Newton.
The content scope of the website shall include information relating to the
community of Buckland Newton as defined by its boundaries, geography, facilities
and the people who live or work within the parish boundary.
At the discretion of the Committee, the scope of both the geographical coverage
and content may be extended beyond the parish boundaries if in the opinion of the
Committee this would be beneficial to the users of the website.
Intended Users
There are no specific users for which this website is intended. All who log onto the
website shall have free access. As far as possible users who have physical
disabilities shall be able to use the website.
Maintenance and Upkeep
A Website Committee shall administer and run the website. This Committee shall
be composed of residents of Buckland Newton parish, but with co-opted members
as needed to provide specialist help or information. The Committee shall have a
Chairperson and up to four other members including, Website Treasurer, Website
Secretary, Webmaster, ordinary member.
The Webmaster shall manage and maintain the website on behalf of the Website
Committee on a day to day basis.
The Website Committee shall meet periodically (at least quarterly) to agree any
changes or improvements and to review the technical and financial operation of
the website
Legal aspects and Privacy
This is a brief summary. For a detailed description of our Terms of Use, Privacy
and Cookie policies, please see the Privacy Policy page.
Information on the website shall not violate any copyright or privacy rights of
individuals or organisations.
The website shall not contain any information that is illegal, confidential,
pornographic or which violates any human rights.
The website shall not contain any links that directly lead to any information that is
illegal, confidential, pornographic or which violates any human rights.
The website will not contravene any data protection laws.
Use of Cookies
Cookies are very small text files that are stored on your computer when you visit
some websites. We use cookies to provide the best possible website experience
and to help identify your computer so we can tailor your user experience. We do
not store personal information in our cookies. If you continue to use our site,
you agree to this, but you can disable cookies at any time.
The Cookies known to be used by this website are: BIGipServerZebedee,
TS01237438, cookieconsent_dismissed
You can disable any cookies already stored on your computer, but these may stop
our website from functioning properly.
Financial Aspects
The website shall be designed and operated so as to be a non-profit making
The website shall be designed to be self supporting financially and cover any
running costs from funds raised by advertising on the website.
If any surplus funds are generated from the website operation (after operating
costs are deducted) these may be either ploughed back into website
improvements or may be distributed, at the discretion of the Website Committee, in
a manner similar to monies raised by the Buckland Newton Fete.
All surplus funds will be used for the benefit of the Buckland Newton community.
Functions and features
The website may include the following functions and features:
A map of the Buckland Newton parish showing the location of places of
interest and all parish amenities.
Links from this map to more detailed pages of information about Buckland
Links to other related Buckland Newton websites (e.g. Buckland Newton
Parish Council website, Buckland Newton Church of England Primary
School website, Lydden Meadow website and Buckland Newton Community
Neighbourhood Planning website).
This website charter.
A Privacy Policy.
Other features including a photographic tour of the Parish, useful telephone
numbers and other features to be decided by the management committee.
Buckland Newton Community Website
in the heart of rural Dorset